
09 July 2022
One full paper is accepted by ECCV 2022, about Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection.

Zhonghang LIU  

Ph.D. Candidate

School of Computing and Information Systems
Singapore Management University

Email: zhliu.2020 AT
CVGoogle Scholar

Zhonghang LIU is now a Ph.D. Candidate in Singapore Management University, working with Prof. Daniel Lin. His research interests include Computer Vision, Anomaly Detection, High-dimensional Data Analysis.


Singapore Management University (SMU)
Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science                   August 2020 - Present, Singapore
Advisor: Prof. Daniel Lin
Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU)
Bachelor in Information and Computing Science      Sep 2016 - June 2020, Wuhan, China


Algorithm Intern SmartMore, August 2022 - Present
Advisior: Dr. Jiangbo Lu and Dr. Nianjuan Jiang
Research Intern Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, August 2019 - January 2020
Advisior: Prof. Zhen Lei (National Lab of Pattern Recognition)

Publication Google Scholar

Locally Varying Distance Transform for Unsupervised Visual Anomaly Detection
Zhonghang Liu*, Wen-Yan Lin*, Siying Liu
ECCV 2022 (Full, Accept rate: 28%)
  • Project    • Codes   


Full Research Scholarship,   2020-2024   
- Singapore Management University, Singapore
Excellent Graduate,   June 2020   
- Huazhong Agricultural University, China

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Last update: Sep 1, 2022. Webpage template borrows from Xiang Wang.